Allow more than one menu to be expanded simultaneously in Navigation Pane
This was an option in previous versions but removed in PU29 - now when you open one menu, the prior one is automatically collapsed so you can only view one menu at a time. In my user support role, I always had the Favourites and Modules menus open and now need to increase the number of clicks r...
Add ability for sysadmin to delete expense reports in Draft status
I understand that users can delete their own Draft status expense reports but there needs to be an option for the system administrator to do that for others users' reports as well. We have some old rejected expense reports for employees no longer with the company but no way of cleaning them up -...
Add ability to opt out of Reporting Currency functionality
Please add a way to opt out of this functionality. Many organizations, such as mine, only use transactional and functional/accounting currency but this third currency is now forced upon us. It would be fine if it was seamless but unfortunately it has caused numerous issues and we've spent a lo...