PO Entry lookup to Receivings
From the PO Entry window it's not possible to see what has been received and/or invoiced on the PO. Add a lookup to the menu or button that would display and allow drill-down to any related shipment or invoice documents posted against the PO.
Remove SSRS update from GP Utilities upgrade path
This has bothered me for years. When you upgrade GP using GP Utilities it automatically attempts to update SSRS. If you happen to use SSRS but don't want the standard list of GP SSRS reports watch out! The only solution I've found is to remove the GP SSRS reference path and restore it after th...
SOP Tax Roll Down options
There is a "Tax Roll Down" utility that has been available that changes the behavior of how tax schedule changes are handled in a SOP transaction. I cannot determine if this utility has been or will be updated to GP 2018, as this is functionality we require and we are in the update process. It...