Option to transfer current employee fixed compensation on to new position
When transferring an employee ('Change position' resp. 'Request worker reassignment') there should be an option to transfer current employee fixed compensation on to the new position. Scenario: an employee moves from one department into another. As we want this change to be visible in the work...
Add menu item 'Active positions' as has been done in Talent
At some point 'Positions' went from listing active positions only to listing all positions, i.e. now including closed positions and future positions. Despite the 'As-of-date' functionality in the form, it has no effect. It seems not to be possible to setup an advanced filter that will give you a...
Add retirement option to jobs
Please add an option to retire a job - or mark it as inactive. Retired jobs should not be available in the list of jobs a new position can reference. Scenario: a customer has re-structured their jobs and titles and no longer wants to make use of the original jobs. All workers have be assigned ...
Use position FTE in employee fixed compensation
You should bring the FTE information from the position into the employee fixed compensation. In the current solution, you need to create individual pay rate conversions and fixed compensation plans for each and every percentage of full time you have - to have the correct conversion to and from...
Contact details should default to 'Private' = Yes
When workers create a new contact detail record, the private field should default to 'Yes'. Currently the field is not visible to the worker, not even on creation of record. How should he be aware that his contact information will be visible to all workers within the same legal entity if he doesn...
Purpose and private fields on contact details should be available in the contact details grid
The fields 'Purpose' and 'Private' should be added to the contact details grid. Both in ESS > Personal information > Tabpage 'Contact details' and in Personnel management > Links > Workers > Workers > Worker details form, section 'Contact information'. Currently only the 'Private' field can be ad...