Open position to be displayed with the Team members
If a position reporting to a manager is vacant, it is displayed in the Open position list, but doesn't appear in the team view together with all the other workers reporting to the manager. If this manager wants to see who report to this vacant position, they cannot do it the same way as viewin...
Add CURRENCY into EmployeeFixedComp entity in Excel
Currency field is not available in the employee fixed compensation when running data via Excel. It is via data management though. Please expose this field in the data connector as well. Thanks
My and Company benefits cost in ESS to show %/Fixed amount
Employee can view their benefits and see what is the "my" cost and company cost however it doesn't show whether this cost is % or fixed amount. Can this information be added please? Thanks
Ability to select Review template in the MASS CREATION process
In bigger companies, not every worker gets a review assigned. If these reviews are assigned centrally, certain individuals have to be excluded such as Contractors for example. The mass creation process is a nice tool to exclude these individuals however if company also uses Review templates (b...
Display Goal category in Review - Review tab & Goals grid in the Rating tab
Goal category is an important information when goals are reviewed and also rated. There is currently no way how to make this value visible in the Review form. If this is displayed in the Review form in the Review tab against each goal and also in the Rating tab against each goal, that would be...
Default goal weights in Review template
If goal weights are enabled in Performance process via HR shared parameters and goals are added to a Review template, it would be helpful if weights for these goals could be defined in the Review template directly to drive, guide the managers (and/or employees) when rating the goals. It should...
Review to be mobile enabled
The performance solution would benefit from allowing user to access their reviews, enter comments, update goals via their mobile devices.
Ability to pick Goals from Goal group
When goal groups are utilised, the user is only able to create all goals from certain goal group which in many cases is not the process. Ideally, user should be able to select the goal group, but lower section of the dialog should give option to the user to choose which goals from the group th...
Send feedback - ability to disable some email recipients
When sending feedback, email notifications are sent out automatically to both managers and the person who receives the feedback. It would be helpful if the individual notifications could be switched on/off if company doesn't require certain parties to receive emails every time feedback is sent...
Goal weights to not have decimals
The suggestion is to remove decimal places for goal weights in reviews as an unnecessary detail. Or at least, please give users the option in parameters to not have them if not needed. Thank you