Enforce zero days batch mixing to ensure only batches with same expiry date are stored on the same location
What I am trying to achieve is to avoid mixing items with different expiry dates in a location. Same item, different batch, same expiry date OK Same item, different batch, different expiry date NOK. The Parameter "Number of days to mix batches" accepts any numeric value, including zero. When a...
Catch weight in ATP calculation
The ATP calculation should use CW units in conjunction with the minimum quantity for catch weight. for CW items. e.g. A customer orders 20 pallets of a product having nominal CW = 1000 kg, min CW = 800 kg. 20 pallets are available in inventory with a combined weight of 19,450 kg. ATP should c...
Drive purchase order confirmed receipt dates from Loads
When a Load ETA changes, it would be useful that the corresponding Purchase line confirmed dates are updated. This would flow through to the PO Inventory transactions (Expected date) and hence be available for master planning calculations.
Create transfer order from BOM/Formula
When subcontracting a production order, raw materials may be sent from an internal warehouse to the subcontractor. This idea is to add a feature to create the transfer order by selecting lines in the Production BOM and generating the transfer order. Marking each transfer order line to the to th...