Ability to create detailed consolidation including transactions
Ability to create detailed consolidation including transactions Very useful when using the same currency or the additional reporting currency matches the consolidation company
Allow Edit in excel to delegate admin
Allow Edit in excel to delegate admin this is needed for implementation , training , analysis etc..
Purchase Invoice Logo
Why is there no default layout for a Purchase invoice with a logo on , this is basic standard. There is also no setting under purchase and payables setup for logo placement like there is for the sales setup , why ? is this defect?
Alphanumeric no series on AP\AR accounts
Ability to have automatic alphanumeric no series based on a selective number of charters from the description on a customer or vendor followed by a numerical number GRA001 - Grants & Funds GRA002 - Grants & Bets
Inventory Valuation report to contain grouping options
Inventory Valuation to contain report grouping options Group by location is a must , running off multiple reports is efficient group by posting group group by category group by ......
Free text field on lines of a document or a additional description
Free text field on lines of a document or a additional description This is a basic requirement for any ERP system
Applied entries - Show & sort ledger entries by allocations\applied entries
Show & sort ledger entries by allocations\applied entries when filtered by account When looking at say the vendor ledger entries at one vendor to have the ability so see all allocated & unallocated transactions. Allocated\applied entries should show invoice and the payments applied to the invo...
AGED ANALYSIS REPORT BY TERMS ON ACCOUNT Ability to run age analysis reports using the customer\vendor terms setup on the account as grouped columns and age the transactions according to posting date, due date or invoice dates
Vendor category field
Vendor category field - there should be a field for this which can be reported on. Vendor posting groups and dimensions are possibilities but the category is not necessarily related to the posting group and setup is more complicated when you simply want to categories a vendor Dimensions do not ...
Ability to hide companies from Users & user groups
Ability to block companies from users completely so they cannot be seen. Restricting users through permissions is not the same thing as certain companies we dont want to be visible at all