Office location field to be auto-populated when address is assigned to Office location
In order to get the 'Office address' populated in a worker record, an address captured against the worker has to be Assigned to office location. This then populates the Office address field, but it doesn't populate the 'Office location' field with the address name. It remains free text. The su...
Provide a summary screen before submitting Worker or Position request
Just an idea but... Due to the fact that mandatory fields cannot be configured, users tend to miss important information when requesting worker or position related action. Due to the fact, that some logic doesn't run and validate until the workflow is about to end (at which point it has gone t...
Automatically sort the goal and review templates alphabetically
For some reason the goal and review templates are not sorted alphabetically automatically like everything else, but system remembers the order in which you created the templates and by default it displays the templates in that order. In spirit of consistency, could this be changed to sort the ...
Fixed comp end date shouldn't be allowed to be later than position assignment end date
With personnel actions on, when you are hiring a worker and the fixed compensation end date is manually set to be later than the position assignment end date, the system let's you to complete the action and assigns fixed compensation with end date which is later than related position assignmen...