When creating a purchase requisition it should be possible to select a purchase agreement
When you create a purchase order, in the creation form, you have a field to select a purchase agreement and it shows all the agreements effective for that vendor. There should be something similar in the creation of purchase requisitions.
Batch attributes should be ignored in during Project purchase order posting
A purchase order created from a Project for an item that has batch activated with automatic batch number and batch attribute assigned, during posting Product receipt system gives the following error: Purchase order: #### Item: ### Reservation Site=C00201,Warehouse=C00201.01 ...
Validation should be added to avoid adding an item with auto batch and batch attributes to a project purchase order
Item is a new one created in the system that has batch financially activated, batch number Group assigned with automatic number sequence. Site and warehouse enabled. A batch attribute is assigned from the Product specific form. A purchase order is created from a Project. Add a line for that item,...