Foreign currency revaluation cash and bank management module
Please make a foreign currency revaluation feature available in the bank module for all countries/regions.
This was a painpoint in prior systems and currently still is an issue in D365fO.
Some additional information especially about the related 'pain' and how a lo...
Single voucher per expense report
D365fO creates multiple vouchers for each expense report transaction. This is pretty unfortunate especially if employees regularly submit expense reports with multiple positions as it makes reconciliation and payments more complicated and regularly results in questions from the emplo...
Option to set financial dimension values automatically for items, customers, vendors, project, etc.
D365 ships with a lot of automatic financial dimensions such as the customer, vendor, project, etc., which are automatically crated at the time a new customer, vendor, project, etc. is created.
Quite unfortunate is the fact that those financial dimensions are automatically cr...
Settle and post sales tax in batch
Hi, We currently lack a functionality to run the 'settle and post sales tax' process in batch. This can result in a lengthy time until tax settlements are processed and posted. To accellerate the process we need a batch processing option. Thanks, Ludwig
Settle and post sales tax in batch
Hi, We currently lack a batch processing option in the settle and post sales tax form. Please provide this functionality. Many thanks, Ludwig
Posted sales tax inquiry - filter missing
Hi, Clicking the posted sales tax inquiry menu item opens the respective form. Interestingly, there is no preset filter and as a result, opening the form might take a long time. Suggestion: Please allow users defining preset filters that are applied when opening the form and retrieving the rec...