Intercompany orders and mapping of financial dimensions on order level
The intercompany functionality between customer an vendor misses the possibility to configure if financial dimensions should be inherited from source records eg salesorder fin.dim are set on the purchase order in the receiving legal entity. The business reason behind is to reduce the number of...
Regulating value of on-hand should not be inventory closing date.
Business scenario: Inventory is closed pr august 31 2019 The financial period is closed pr the same date. A user need to adjust the total onhand financial value for a specific warehouse. The user cannot post the change to on-hand value hence the period i stopped in GL. It's not on option to re...
Improve ledger settlement - Settlement in transactional currency
The advanced settlement function for General ledger allows to settle transactions based on accounting currency. This design has a couple of disadvantages when it comes to settlement of sales and payment transaction in another currency than accounting currency. Preconditions. Accounting currency ...