Dark Mode
A Dark Mode for the BC Webclient. Would be so great. The Dark Reader Chrome Extension works, but is not perfect... You can do this Microsoft!
Function Documentation / Comment
It would be nice if the AL Language would support Function Comments. Like in C# Function Summaries with all parameters. Would make a lot of things easier if you develop features with multiple developers.
Change "IF" Syntax
Is there any possibility to change the Syntax of the IF Statement? I would appreciate it if I could make a IF without the then. And is there any chance, we will get statements without the BEGIN and END? Only { and }, like any other programming language.
Integer++ Functionality
This functionality would make things a bit cleaner. Usage: Would be nice, if I could add 1 to a Integer with the Syntax "Integer++", like in C#. So if my Integer is called "i", I could do i++ to count up my Integer.
Improvement of the Event Selection Feature (Shift + Alt + E)
This Feature needs to improved. It needs a better search functionality. I would like to search for all events of a certain object, but it looks like this is not possible at the moment.
Integer++ Functionality
A simple Integer Counter. So I can just do ++ on a integer and count it up by one. Simple and easy.
ToString Function
It would be nice if I have function on each Variable to convert it to a string, without the format. Like the "ToString" function from C#.
Assign Array to Array
It would be great if it's possible to assign a array to another array. At the moment it just shows the error "Assignment is not valid for arrays". Would be great, instead of using CopyArray
Semicolon after single line if with else statement
Since C/AL you don't need the semicolon after a single line if with an else statement. If you do it with a semicolon it's an error. How about correcting this and doing it like everywhere else and assuming the semicolon.
Length function for text variable
You added plenty of function for text variables. It would be nice if you could add a length function for the text variable, instead of using the StrLen function.