Allow for Return-From on RMA (just like Ship-to on Sales Orders)
Users should have the ability to select a Return-From address, based on the Ship-to Addresses, to be used on Sales Return Orders. Today, BC allows for Ship-to Addresses when selling, but it does not have a compatible workaround when return goods.
Shipping Agent Fields on Warehouse Shipment coming from Sales Order
The general idea behind a Warehouse Shipment, is that it can be related to one Sales Order, or to multiple Sales Order. A few fields on the Warehouse Shipment resemble a lot fields that currently exist on the Sales Order: External Document No., Shipping Agent Code, Shipping Agent Service Code. ...
Bin Replenish by different Unit of Measure
Currently, if your Bin Content is set to Eaches, and you have a Min and Max defined, when you suggest a bin replenishment, BC will try to replenish that Bin Content to the Max quantity, taking into consideration the current Quantity on that Bin. In many cases this causes CASES to be broken down j...
Undo Transfer Shipment
It would be very useful if BC allowed for Posted Shipments to be undone. Sales Shipments have the same functionality (so long as the SO hasn't been invoiced yet). A real scenario is when goods are being shipped between locations (or when they're being shipped from an overseas location), and the...
Add option to automatically assign user ID to field Assigned User ID on SO and PO
It would be very helpful if users had the option to automatically have field "Assigned User ID" on the Sales Order (and Purchase Order) automatically populated with whomever created that document. This should not be a default for everybody, but there should be some setup on "Sales and Marketing ...
Advanced Navigate, or, Document Research
It would be nice to have a tool very similar to "Navigate", where users can type in a Document No., and BC can scan through different types of documents, and their document No. fields, and let a user easily find a Document Reference. For example, on the sales area, users are always researching S...
Allow for Print Multiple Inventory Picks without Clicking Ok on every request page
I swear to you, this is not my idea... Microsoft had this idea in the past, since this worked beautifully in NAV versions. -- Somehow, somebody removed this from BC. When Creating an Inventory Pick, you're given the option to "Print Documents". Therefore, if you're creating picks in a batch, you...