Ability to link a Financial Report (new version of management reporter) to a cell in another Financial Report.
Previous version of MR included the ability to link one Financial Report to a cell in another Financial Report – no longer available. This functionality was very useful and we’re hoping it returns.
Warning/Flag on Global Config Fields
When programming a multi-company organization, it would be nice to have a warning/flag on config fields that are Global compared to fields that only affect that particular company.
Elimination Rule Entry
When entering Fixed Amt elimination rules, the screen should have two columns for debit/credit entries instead of one column where user inputs dollars amts as positives or negatives. These entries are attached to G/L accounts so it seems more intuitive to an accountant entering them that the e...
Add “Last Closed Fiscal Year” field to Year End Close screen
Add “Last Closed Fiscal Year” field on the General Ledger > Period Close> Year End Close screen so users can see the last fiscal year that has been closed on this screen. This would be a nice way to double-check that fiscal year ends have been run without having the check if the RE earnings entr...