Data Replication feature / advice
Having implementations with tens of companies in a single database puts some challenges on the part of master data management. Often most of the companies share the same setup data (post codes, unit of measures, ...) or master data (same customer base for a group of companies). Using RapidStart p...
Updated search behavior, propose Dropdown when multi record match?
Suppose you have 2 customers that are named 'Van Terp A' and 'Van Terp B'. When users enter the value 'Van Terp' in a 'Customer No.' / 'Customer Name' field (e.g. on the sales order / sales invoice), the customer dropdown list is shown after 1-2 secondS, so (s)he aware of multiple results and can...
Respect color / StyleExpr of 'selected' line
In the BCoP release, seems like colors are no longer shown in the WebClient for selected lines / cells. The Windows client does show all colors, even when selected. Can this be fixed? Also see
Provide better support for e-mail fields with 'ExtendedDataType'
- The 'mail envelop' icon on the customer card page on the latest BCoP seems no longer available. So the 'ExtendedDataType' property seems no longer supported in the webclient. 2 enhancements: - Provide support for the ExtendedDataType (esp. 'E-mail') in factboxes. This would allow one-click ma...
Allow to override the 'New' behavior
We would like to be able to override the 'New' behavior in the webclient. From within a list page containing all kinds of 'Orders', users can create new orders / edit orders. However, we've introduced some kind of 'order templates' that show an order via different types of pages (basic order / ex...
Rendering of page with pageparts containing multiple groups
We often use page parts to reuse a set of fields on different pages. When pageparts contain multiple groups, the groups were rendered below each other in the Windows Client. This did not give the best results, since a lot of white space was unused. In the Webclient, the result is somewhat bette...
Open page in FULL screen mode
When I navigate to a page that is opened in View mode, the full screen size is used (no modal pages are shown at this stage). When 'Edit List' is used, the page is modally opened (pages are stacked on top of each other) and the page is no longer making use of the full screen size. Can we 'maxi...
Improved UX for code fields and name/description flowfields.
We have lots of pages that are overloaded with controls, forcing the user to scroll to see information. Lots of the controls are actually a reference to a master table (code field) and the description / name of the selected record (text flowfield). It would be nice to have an application-wide fea...
Restore possibility to collapse factboxes and show promoted actions on factboxes
In RTC we had both of the options below on factboxes, whereas in webclient this seems no longer available, which is a step backward. - Collapsing of factboxes (seems not yet supported in BCoP) - Promoted actions that appear on factboxes (they are no longer promoted and are one click further away...
Provide better support for coloring an entire row on pages
We frequently make use of the 'StyleExpr' property to colorize an ENTIRE row on LIST pages. This makes it really visual to the end user if a line needs action / is blocked / is selected / is expired / what the status is / ... The developer is now forced to set the StyleExpr on any column, which ...