Replace CHAR Data Type with VARCHAR
Dynamics GP stores text fields using the CHAR data type. This pads the value with spaces. CHAR wastes space and introduces problems with custom reporting. We have to add RTRIM to custom queries to get rid of the extra spaces. Please consider converting to using VARCHAR for text fields.
The DATETIME SQL data type is deprecated. Please look into replacing use of DATETIME with DATE, TIME or DATETIME2, as applicable.
Replace checklinks with SQL Foreign Keys
Checklinks is a symptom of a problem that need not exist, and likely a holdover from the application's past. Now that only Microsoft SQL Server is supported as a database backend, there are powerful features available that weren't when multiple database backends were supported. Please define ...
Resume Active Development of Management Reporter
Once receiving cumulative updates on a quarterly basis, now the most recent update for Management Reporter is from Feb 2017 (over 1 year ago). The messaging on the status of Management Reporter has been confusing, but it does appear that development has mostly ceased. Please reverse course on ...
Native PDF Support
In order to generate PDFs from Dynamics GP, Adobe Acrobat Pro must be installed. It's expensive, and an administrative hassle, to have to license this for users just to be able to print and email PDFs from Dynamics GP. Microsoft Word has had the ability to natively generate PDFs for years now....
Fix PM Historical Aged Trial Balance (HATB) Performance
When we implemented Dynamics GP, the accounting team selected the Payables Historical Aged Trial Balance (HATB) report as one to run at month end. They really like being able to run the report as of the last day of the prior month after all the payments have been recorded. 10 years of data lat...
Remove NOLOCK Nolock From Report Code
A user brought a situation to my attention. The Payables Historical Aged Trial Balance he ran at 12:09.05 PM was off by $6,000. When he ran the report again at 1:08 PM it was correct. It looks like an invoice from Feb 2019, an invoice that is in history, was left off the report. With the in...
Fix Bug That Deletes a User's SmartList Favorites When Access to a Company is Removed
I recently received a report from a user that his SmartList favorites were missing. Online searching led to a possible explanation from 2015 about Dynamics GP 2013 R2. "Did you remove a user's access to a particular company in GP? If so, this process removes their Smartlist favorites across all...