Request for more flexibility with Attributes and allow for duplicate.
NAV Customer running NAV 2018 On Premise wants a modification to remove the restriction with Attributes and allow duplicate Item Attributes with different values. Further, they want to know if this is advisable and what the impact would be in other areas. For example, there is Color: Black and C...
There is requirement for seprate table of historical Standard Cost for Item records
When using Standard Costing Method in Business Central (and NAV versions), the Standard Cost is a single field. When adjusting and rolling up new Standard Cost, whether completed directly on the Item Card or through the Standard Cost Worksheet, the system simply overrides the Standard Cost field...
Sales Tax Calculation on Open Sales Order and Purchase Order have rounding differences of pennies that generate unexpected issues for the customer.
The Sales Tax Calculation on open Sales Orders/Invoices and Purchase Orders/Invoices may have rounding differences of pennies that generate unexpected issues for companies using Business Central and Dynamics NAV North America Version. The particular issues have been reported related to Canada S...
Item Tracking - Serial No. and Lot No. have predefined No. Series with Manual False but the Number can be manually entered
Item Tracking - Number Series related to Production Output: Scenario: A produced (manufactred) Item includes SN Specific and/or LN Specific Tracking. The Item with Serial No. and/or Lot No. has a predefined No. Series with Default Nos. set to TRUE and Manual Nos. set to FALSE. in the No Series L...
Segments in Business Central Marketing - Logging Emails for Segments requires individual
When creating a Segment with multiple Contacts where a company email the contacts, the selection of the Log button with Send Attachments set to TRUE followed by confirming with the OK, the Edit – Send Email Page will appear for each Contact. When a company needs to send the Email to 100 contacts...
Physical Invetnory > Calculate Inventory Physical Quantity wtih a Date Filter Back in Time
We have continued to receive reports related to Issues with the Physical Inventory Journal: The Calculate Inventory on the Physical Inventory Journal (and new Physical Inventory Order does not allow for a back-dated calculation of quantity on hand. In certain versions, this was alllowed. Howeve...