Support catch weight in costing sheet
Often in manufacturing with catch weights, indirect costs are on the catch weight unit, such as a carton fee or per head fee in animal processing. Unfortunately the costing sheet doesn't support catch weights. For example the output unit based has subtypes for quantity, weight or volume but not c...
Create a periodic job to cascade unit conversion changes for catchweight items
Catchweight products have a conversion between the inventory unit (eg Kilograms) and the catchweight (eg each). In some industries this unit conversion changes regularly, such as seasonally. Changing the unit conversion updates the released product, but doesn't cascade to open orders or formul...
Vendor rebates based on sales
Vendor rebates currently can only be raised against purchases. We require vendor rebates against sales too. While there are add-ons that provide this functionality, it means processing rebates in different places.
Vendor rebates against non purchasing vendor
Vendor rebates are sometimes offered by manufacturers, so regardless of where the product is purchased a rebate can be payable by them. This is not possible with standard D365 Vendor rebates as the vendor can't be different from the PO vendor.