Support for Vivaldi Browser
It would be great if it were possible to use CRM with a browser of your own choice. In my case, I would like to continue using my Vivaldi browser.
Please make CRM a modern software that does not restrict you in the choice of your own tools.
Restful Web Services for Codunits
It would be great if codeunits could be published as Restful Web Services instead of being forced to saop. If you currently want to publish a (complex) function in a codeunit via a web service, this is only possible as a SOAP service. However, many software products nowadays only have interfaces...
Resolve app dependencies without ServiceTier/Sandbox
App-Dependecies should get an additional parameter for a source. When updating the app to a new version, the symbols should be loaded automatically from this source without a sandbox or a ServieTier having to install the new version of the app. The source could be e.g. a URL to the AppSource. The...