Comments Editor
We make exensive use of comments in Customers, Vendors, Items, Purchase Orders, Purchase Order Lines, Sales Orders, Sales Order Lines, Bill of Ladings, etc. , etc. We really need a comments editor that formats comments. These comments print on documents and are just plain ugly and unprofessiona...
User Defined Help
In a system as highly customized as ours, being able to add our own help would be huge. Give us a way to import a PDF file that will display for a field if you hit F1 or for the page if you click on a question mark.
Variants in the Bill of Materials Header
Currently you can't create a Bill of Material for a variant. It creates an infinite loop. We take 12 foot bars of metal and cut them into custom lengths for our customers. These custom lengths are setup as variants. We can't setup the 12 foot bar as the component item, but having the variant in t...
Variants in all of the various production order headers
Currently there is no variant field in the header for Firm Planned Orders, Release Production Orders, etc. Currently you have to refresh an order using the parent item number and then enter the variant code on the order line. Both inefficient and confusing for employees. Also creates a lack of vi...
Allow the use of LinksAllowed = false in page extensions
Don't lock the system while purging the Change Log Entries
Clearing the Change Log Entries can't be performed during working hours due to locks. This simplified so this can be performed during business hours. It would also clear the records much faster.
Allow negative entries on orders
People make mistakes and fixing them can be a nightmare. I would like the ability to enter a negative quantity in Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Transfer Orders and Inventory Picks. This would be done by adding a new line and should also allow the ability to designate the affected lot(s) in Item ...