Do not allow to delete G/L account if there are G/L entries
Now there is a possibilty in the General ledger setup that the user can gets an warning when he tries to delete a G/L account with postings in closed periods + when balance is zero. This is a nice function, but many companies does not want a warning, they want a blocking message. Add parameter i...
Financial journals from version BE - also introduce in W1-version
In the belgian localisation there is a page 'Financial Journals) (page id = 11300). This page is a practical page to process daily the bank transactions. It is a copy of the general journals page, but there are extra fields on the header. The extra fields on the header are begin balance / endin...
New check 'VAT registration number obligatory' in Posting Sales Document routines
A very frequent issue that pop ups in our support department is the fact that users forgot to fill in VAT registration number on the customer before they are posting EC sales invoices / credit memos. To avoid that these sales invoices should be booked without VAT registration number, it should b...
Remove the notification after inserting standard purchase code on Purchase Invoice
On a vendor you have the possibility to link standard purchase codes. Even it is possible to insert those standard purchase codes automatically on invoices / credit memos (setup in table 175). But when you choose for automatic insert, you also receive a unnecessary notification. Solution : - re...