Configuration of customer and product screen
It would be great if it was possible to configure the customer view and product view screens in POS. Example if loyality cards are not used it is useless to have it as the second section on the customer overview screen. In stead it would be nice to be able to show customer attributtes in that s...
Expand order events sales lines
include delete line and change quantity on sales order lines on the order events parameter setup
Prices on serial number specific
Sometimes retailers have specific prices on serial numbers. Example if products are sold as floor models or outlet products, where the outlet is not a specific channel. Then the prices needs to be reduced on these specific products. But not on the product it self since a new product (same item nu...
Country specific localizations not linked to LE country
In Europe it is very common that a company in one country has retail stores in other countries. Example a company in Denmark has retail stores in Norway and Sweden but within the same company. Therefor only 1 legal entity is required. But due to the way the localizations are programmed it is n...
Aggregate serialized items in POS basket for customer order
When creating a customer order in POS and the products are serial number enabled, it is not possible to aggregate the products. On a receipt/order confirmation and for the view of the basket, it doesn't make sense to split more qty to one line per pcs. Please add the same code on POS as found ...
Customer specific assortments
Many companies have specific assortments allowed to sell to specific customers. Please include assortment functionality to be customer specific
Discount/coupon for the next purchase
Missing the possibility to create a "next time purchase" discount. Like purchase X and get a discount for Y on the next purchase