SOP Invoice - remove header from Terms and Conditions page
It would be great if it was possible to unlink the header on the SOP blank invoice form Word template from previous pages so that when adding a page with terms and conditions, it could have either it's own header or no header at all. currently, when trying to add a page and unlinking the heade...
Customer Class column in Customer Navigation List
It would be great if the Customer Class was visible in the Customers navigation list. We often set up classes as a way to filter customers, but it's not an option to use it in the navigation list.
HITB Journal Entry Adjustments
Sometimes the balance that shows on the HITB is incorrect due to fluctuations of cost, cost adjustments, rounding, or data entry errors. Although the inventory quantity balance can typically be fixed, sometimes we're somewhat stuck with dollar balances on the HITB that aren't really accurate. It ...
Workflow for new Items in Inventory
It would be great to expand workflow to the Inventory series, specifically for new inventory items. I've received this request several times - if there is a way to have an approval of a new item before it can used on a BOM or transaction.
Extend Stock Count calendar to include years past 2020
The Stock Count calendar currently stops with 2020. Please extend the calendar to go out past 2020 so that down days can be entered for 2021 and beyond.