Let us configure which view of the Dashboard is the Default - "Tiles View" would be much appreciated
the new Unified Interface allows for some nice improvements like "Tiles view" or "Streams View" on the Dashboards. Unfortunately, there is no configuration possible. So the Standard-View that opens is the Streams View. I would really appreciate to be able to configure that the "Tiles View" is ...
Feature Management - Improve Country specific description in Feature
Haven't been able to find a Cotegory of "Feature Management" - therefore posting in "General". Every time new Features arrive, there will be some that are country-specific. Problem is that this currently does not seem to be consistently used. Even worse, some do not have any notation of the cou...
Fix German Translation for mi=CustParameters - Ledger and Sales Tax - Enable date of VAT register changing
Running 10.0.12, the german Translation has not made it into the configuration. Accounts receivable parameters - Ledger and Sales Tax - General - Slider "Enable date of VAT register changing" - ControlName "Posting_EAnableDateOfVATRegisterChanging_CZ" Tooltip also in English: "Enable date of VAT...
Fix German Translation in Electronic Reporting - Button "Open"
In ERWorkspace, selecting a Repository, the menu in english shows "Add" "Edit" "Delete" "Open", followed by "options". The German Translation is wrong for "Open" - it should say "Öffnen" but currently it says "Geöffnet" - which actually means "opened". This confuses a lot of people that this r...
Fix German Translation for mi=DimensionIntegrationConfiguration ControlName=AddButton
Name: Financial dimension configuration for integrating applications There's only one Tab: Data Entities there's the Button "Add" and "Remove" in German system, the "Add" button shows english Text "Add". Please fix. My Version: Installed product version : 10.0.12 (10.0.507.10024) Installed plat...
Fix German Translation for mi=CaseListPage - Tab "Maintain" - ControlName=FLMAHoursTracking
Case management- Case- Maintain The german environment shows the english Text "FMLA Hours", it is not translated Version found: Installierte Produktversion : 10.0.12 (10.0.507.10024) Installierter Plattformversion: Update36 (7.0.5688.35584)
Fix German Translation for mi=GlobalAddressBookListPage, ControlName=AlcoholLicenseRelTable_RU
in the Global Address Book, in Tab "Registration", there's a control AlcoholLicenseRelTable_RU that is not translated into german, Text is "Alcohol licenses" this opens a new Screen that is also not translated, FormName:AlcoholLicenseRelTable_RU ControlName: Grid_Licenses_series_Num Checked in...
Fix German Translation for mi=WorkflowWorkListAssignedToMe, ControlName:RelatedItem Button "Open"
on this page, there's a button "Open" to open a Work Item. The German Text is wrong, Text is "Offen" - that translates to "it is open" instead of "Klick here to open" -> Please fix Text of this button to "Öffnen" Checked in Version: Installed product version : 10.0.12 (10.0.507.10024) Instal...
Fix German Translation for mi=SalesTableListPage - Sales order details - General - Related Information - Related orders: ControlName buttonReferences
This button "Related orders" will show a list of all related orders of the vendors side (Related Purchase Orders) of the active Sales Order. The german Text is mis-Spelled "Zugeordnete Aufträge" - that would mean "related Sales Orders" In english, you differentiate - Sales Orders - Purchase Or...
Fix German Translation for mi=VendInvoiceInfoListPage formName=VendEditInvoice ControlName=BudgetReservationSelector_PSN
In Vendor invoices, Line Details, there's a link named "Advanced selection option", Right-Click shows: formName=VendEditInvoice ControlName=BudgetReservationSelector_PSN Clicking opens a new Window named "Select a general budget reservation" These aren't translated in the german langage. the l...