EPOS receipt shows Sales order ref after each line
EPOS receipt shows Sales order customer reference after each line when adding the item "Item comment" in receipt design. We need item comment functionality because there is a business need to add comments on the receipt, but we do not want the "customer reference" information after each line. ...
Opening an URL in POS with known Dynamics parameters
When configuring the POS button to open URL inside POS, possibility should exist to enter URL:s with additional Dynamics parameters such as: www.dynamics.com/?state=&stateID or www.dynamics.com/?state=&storeID so that instead of www.dynamics.com, the following URL is opened: www.dynamics.com/?sta...
Be able to send Dynamics parameters through URL that is opened in POS
When opening URL links from the registers, retailers would like the possibility that these these links can use Dynamics parameters to personalize the URL that is shown. example: the retailers should be able to write www.microsoft.com/?storenumber=&ax.storenumber&&ID=&ax.employeeID&&language=&ax....
Limit payment methods on customer orders created in POS
It would be very helpful if we would have parameters to limit which payment methods on each retail store can be used on customer orders. Our customer would like to be able to configure the card payment method as the only method of payment available for customer orders created in POS. This is so ...