"No. of Copies" in Request Page of Report 1304 - 1307
Reintroduction of the field "No. of Copies" in Request Page of the reports 1304 "Standard Sales - Quote" 1305 "Standard Sales - Order Conf." 1306 "Standard Sales - Invoice" 1307 "Standard Sales - Credit Memo" as there was in the reports 204 - 207. As stated here https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/...
Substitution for Report 208 "Sales - Shipment"
Create a substitution for Report 208 "Sales - Shipment" according to the reports 1304 - 1307 based on a (almost) common DataSet to make it easy to transfer the customer's corporate design from one document to the other.
Deactivate functionality "Disable Search by Name" in general using a setup field.
There should be a flag in the "Sales & Receivables Setup" that overrules the field "Disable Search by Name" in the customer (to have a general setup to activate or deactivate the functionality). If the flag is set, the field "Disable Search by Name" in the "Customer Card" should not be editable. ...
Enhancement suggestion of object ID from app.json
We are using multiple ID ranges in our app.json. As soon as there are several ID ranges, the functionality of suggesting an ID when a new object is created doesn't work anymore (because system doesn't know from which range it should suggest the ID). There should be a possibility to mark one of t...