worker skill
It will be very usefull add to this wfl condition for skill.type. For every skill type should be different approver and now we havent option to set up this condition. Petra
manager should be able to ask new job possition via ESS
If manager need find new employee, he should have opportunity to send request to HR via ESS, that he need occupy new job possition. HR or recruiter than create new job in attract and start hiring.
feedback analysis report
Feedback analysis report can be display only for one person. This isn´t enough. feedback analysis should go for more employee or group of employee. HR need tool for course evaluation ( in questionnaire statistics there is problem, that in statistic isnt view open question. Petra
reassign workflow
I see big problem that i cannot reasign workflor to workflow owner. this function is able in FO. I know that this isnt logic movement, but when i need testing workflow template i need reasign worklflow steps to myself. Petra
next datum to reviews
It should be very ussefull to add next datum to review form. Now there are period datum from and datum to, but it should be great add datum of review. this datum will be datum when employee has review appointment with manager. this datum has connecion with employee calendar.
Task management
It shlould be very usefull extend task management. We need to place where manager can post task to his subordinates and follow how subordites accomplish this tasks.
Profesionlal experience in jobs form
It would be very useful to enter the required work experience at the job positon. Some jobs positions require a degree of experience. The employer should be able to specify at the job position what practice is required at the job position.