A very popular modification in Denmark for many years is copying the descriptions from the purchase invoice lines to carry over to the G/L entry description- instead of the "Posting Description" on the Purchase Order. This is something accountants and auditors prefer greatly. Could this be added as an option for Business Central? I notice that Czech localization seems to have had this for some years. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/dynamicsnav-2013r2/dn764022(v=nav.71)
I was just looking at this yesterday when trying to work out how to get a "document description" onto the vendor remittance. The Posting Description from my purchasing invoice updated the GL for the control account. The line description (G/L Line) updated the GL for the expense and GST accounts. That seemed fine to me. Not sure of the behaviour for item based lines.
Category: Financial Management
Seems like MS added this is Wave 2:
But it only applies to lines of type G/L Account. Why not apply it for other line types?
Category: Financial Management
Fantastic to see this. It would be great if we start to see a synchronisation of ledger entry descriptions and posted document descriptions. i.e. If you can change one it would reflect back into the document. Like due date on customer / vendor ledger entries it doesn't make sense that the ledger entry is edited, but not the originating posted source document.
Category: Financial Management
And what is the status for ledger entries description for header info?
Because order No. or Invoice No. are not useful for accounting...
Category: Financial Management
Go idea
Category: Financial Management
I agree, many users requested this.
Category: Financial Management
Business Central Team (administrator) on 9/25/2020 10:35:35 AM