Email Settings to Link to Address ID's
In playing with the email document settings to meet a specific client need, it seems to be lacking somewhat in how you can send emails for specific document types. This is a discussion I started in the forum: Essentially, I think yo...
Locations - ability to link to a dimesion
I come from a Dynamics GP background. We have a number of clients looking to move to BC, however, there is a core function that we use all the time that is missing. In GP, the chart of accounts is a full string e.g. xxx-yyyy being xxx = department, yyyy is the account. Moving to BC, the depart...
Create Vendor Payments / Suggest Vendor Payments - Improve Process
Hi I have been investigating in detail the selection process for paying vendor invoices and find it lacking. Most of the needed components are there, but not in a combined manner. Start with the Suggest Vendor Payments - this is a great tool - except for the fact that you have no way to select...
Bug Reporting
Hi It would be good to have a channel like this one - or simply a category in this channel that could be used for bug reporting. I don't think a user should have to go via a partner or formal logging process to log a bug. Often times it doesn't need interaction with a MS expert, it just needs ...
Account Schedules to Existing Excel File
Hi From the Navigate view in an Account Schedule, there is the option to send to an Existing Excel file. It asks you to navigate to the file and the tab. But then the output creates a new random file - it doesn't update the tab as expected. Hotfix 355347 suggests that this issue was resolved,...
Create Vendor Payments with Open Credits does not work
Prior to Build 16.2.13772, if an unapplied credit note was included in the document selection from Vendor Ledger Entries and then Create Vendor Payments was used, the correct payment amount was sent to a Payment Journal as a single line, but with the incorrect Document Type of Refund. Hotfix 351...