If the 'multiline' property is used on controls on list pages, the height of each line / record in the list pages is increased to the max. height. This consumes a lot of valuable white space for records that don't have a value in the multiline control. Better would be to dynamically adapt the height of the record / line based on the content of the multline control. The same way the 'autofit / auto-height' property in Excel works. If there's no content in the multline control, the record takes the height of one line, in case the multline control contains text that takes up 5 lines, increase the line height of the current line to 5.
Supporting line breaks (\n) to better render the content across multiple lines would be appreciated as well.
Supporting line breaks (\n) to better render the content across multiple lines would be appreciated as well.
Under Review
Business Central Team (administrator)
Thank you for your feedback. We are considering adding it to our longer term roadmap.