Factboxes are often used to show more related information of an entity. However, in some cases, factboxes might contain too many fields / fields that are not always relevant. To avoid having to add / delete the fields, one might decide to add the fields with 'Importance' = Additional, so they could be shown/hidden on demand using the standard 'Show More' / 'Show Less' action.
Idea is to provide the same support on CardParts (factboxes) as is currenty available on normal Card pages for fields marked with Importance = Additional.
Idea is to provide the same support on CardParts (factboxes) as is currenty available on normal Card pages for fields marked with Importance = Additional.
Needs Votes
Business Central Team (administrator)
Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future.
Best regards,
Business Central Team