mi=EcoResProductDetailsExtendedGrid FormName=EcoResProductLifecycleState_SysTL
the Product Lifecyle PopUp List hast two column labels
- Sel
- SysGen_Description
The english name for "Sel" is State
This word has multiple meanings - the Translation picked that as the State in the Country aka California or Washington
The meaning is incorrect - its a state as in Status
thefore the german Translation is bad - causing "Bundesland" to be displayed.
Please correct to "Status"
Found in latest version:
Installed product version : 10.0.14 (10.0.605.10014)
Installed platform version : Update38 (7.0.5778.35626)
the Product Lifecyle PopUp List hast two column labels
- Sel
- SysGen_Description
The english name for "Sel" is State
This word has multiple meanings - the Translation picked that as the State in the Country aka California or Washington
The meaning is incorrect - its a state as in Status
thefore the german Translation is bad - causing "Bundesland" to be displayed.
Please correct to "Status"
Found in latest version:
Installed product version : 10.0.14 (10.0.605.10014)
Installed platform version : Update38 (7.0.5778.35626)