I come from a Dynamics GP background. We have a number of clients looking to move to BC, however, there is a core function that we use all the time that is missing.

In GP, the chart of accounts is a full string e.g. xxx-yyyy being xxx = department, yyyy is the account. Moving to BC, the department would now be a dimension. So far, so good.

Then in GP you have locations. As part of the location setup, you can link the location to a department.

In the inventory item card, you set up the GL accounts to post to. When you sell an item (inventory or non-inventory), the department linked to the location overwrites the department code in the item card setup, assuming the combination is allowed.

Example: Sales from location 100 need to link to department 100, sales from 200 link to department 200. The sales GL code is the same for both.

In BC, we have the Inventory Posting Setup. In this window, we can link the location to the posting group code and define which GL account to post to. BUT we can't default a dimension. So we can say location 100 and Finished Goods go to 1300 - but to say department 100, we have to do it at a transaction level.

We need the ability to sell / purchase / adjust an item from a location (inventory or non-inventory) and have the Inventory Posting Setup default the dimension. Location is not only about physical inventory. It can be a very effective way to drive distributions.
Category: Inventory
Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. We are considering adding it to our longer term roadmap. 


Your help is greatly appreciated, 

Brian Nielsen

PM, Microsoft  



I agree too. It would sometimes be even better to define a dimension on the Inventory Posting Group. And of course both on location and Inventory Posting Group would be ideal.

Category: Inventory


As a follow-up to my previous comment, the company I work added an app to Microsoft AppSource to fill this gap. You can find the app in AppSource by searching for "Location Dimension Assignment". Take a look. While I still hope Microsoft develops this functionality, until then I hope this helps any existing Business Central companies with addressing this requirement. Thanks.

Category: Inventory



I too come from a Dynamics GP background and agree with you that this is a gap in BC. I voted for this as Microsoft is encouraging more GP customers to migrate to BC, but there are functional differences (this being one of them). This also isn't unique to GP. I've seen it's common for customers to report expenses by Location and that's difficult to do when you can't default a dimension by location. We've had to create an extension for our clients to fill this gap, but hoping Microsoft can fill this through a future release. Thanks for posting this suggestion.

Category: Inventory