Make unpicking easier
When using advanced warehousing it may happen that a prod order is erroneously picked and we have to 'reverse the pick".when my Prod BOM has 40 or more lines, this is a tremendous job. Each individual line has to be unpicked. The idea is to provide an unpick transaction wiht one click for the ...
Add zoom in zoom out to gANTT chart for production
The GANTT chart for production has a timescale feature that allows you to switch from days to hours or from days to weeks etc. This is rather inefficient and not very intuitive in today's world where all graphical displays have a zoom feature. We request if we can have a zoom feature on the ch...
GANTT chart for operation scheduling
GANTT chart only available for Job scheduled prod orders is a pity and it seems a limitation that has not very profound reasons. Many customers in MFG are using operation scheduling. They would like to use the GANTT chart also
BOM DESIGNER should show more decimals
The BOM designer shows quantities (Net quantity of BOM line) however only in two decimals. The BOM net qty field has 4 decimals and these should show in the designer also.
Raw material picking work PRINT report
The WOrk Report for Raw material picking and sales order picking can be printed. However: it has no print status. If you want to run a batch that prints new open picking work that is generated, (the batch can be set up) it will never work because you can not filter on Work that has not been pr...
Unpick for prodution orders
When doing a manual unpick for Production orders, the item ends up as on hand in the Input location not in the original storage location. so the item is not really unpicked because the process is not really reversed. The consequence is that the next prod order that needs this item will see it ...
Floorstock .. we have no solution
There is no solution for Floorstock in D365. It should not be hard to get a solution for it. We need a line type on the BOM and the PROD BOM that will make sure this floorstock item: - is not showing up on the Picklist - is not creating a "remaining quantity" on the PRod BOM - so does not requ...
Warehouse app improvement
The warehouse app allows t he Report as Finished and put away for production orders. The default value of "end job" parameter = "no". This is unlike the D365 mothership where the default is "yes". One can safely say that the vast majority of discrete manufacturing companies and certainly the make...
End job Yes/No
When doing RAF and putaway on handheld terminal warehouse app.. the parameter "end job" yes/no is set to "no". Most customers would prefer "yes". In the mothership D365 the user can set this parameter to yes in his defaults. But the handheld RAF has no such option. We think we need that option th...
Project item journal change
The project item journal line has a field for the cost. This field is editable . It displays the active cost of the item. But it should not be updatable. The user gets the impression he can post any cost . This is not correct The system will ignore whatever the user types in and wil post the a...