Vendor Collaboration - let the Vendor search for Vendor's Sales Order Number "Your document Reference" throughout the collaboration screens
The Vendor will use the Vendor Collaboration : In "Purchase Orders for Review" - "suggest changes" enter the Sales Order number into "Your document Reference". that is the main Information that maps the two systems - Vendor's Sales Order Number "Your document Reference" in D365 and the Vendor'...
Fix German Translation for mi=LedgerJournalTable FormName:LedgerJournalTransDaily both ControlName: CreditHeader and ControlName: CreditHeaderReportingCurrency
Checked against: Installierte Produktversion : 10.0.13 (10.0.569.10005) Installierter Plattformversion: Update37 (7.0.5746.35600) German Setting is the Wording "Soll - Haben" for the english "Debit - Credit" Check Similar to FormName: LedgerTrialBalanceListPage ControlName: DebitTotal "Summe S...
Fix German Translation for Button "Got It!", activated after activation of Feature "Saved Views"
Activation "Saved Views" leads to the new menu and a floating windows "Try out the new views menu..." that has a Button named "Got It!" The german translation of the Text is correct, the Button "Got It!" is not translated. Please add translation for "Got It!", my suggestion is: "Verstanden!"
Fix German Translation for mi=EcoResProductDetailsExtendedGrid FormName=EcoResProductLifecycleState_SysTL
mi=EcoResProductDetailsExtendedGrid FormName=EcoResProductLifecycleState_SysTL the Product Lifecyle PopUp List hast two column labels - Sel - SysGen_Description The english name for "Sel" is State This word has multiple meanings - the Translation picked that as the State in the Country aka Cal...
Fix German Translation for mi=VendWriteOffFinancialReasonsSetup from Menu
Menu Accounts Payable - Setup - Vendor Write-Off Reason Codes does not get translated in german - it shows "Vendor Write-Off Reason Codes" Please translate Tested in Installed product version : 10.0.14 (10.0.605.10014) Installed platform version : Update38 (7.0.5778.35626)