Item name is not shown in sales agreement line when the item number is filled
When you create a sales agreement line and enter the item number, the item name is not displayed until you save the line.
Tracing functionality should be linked to Service orders
A finished item that is serial number controlled is produced including a raw material that is batch controlled. For example BOM serial S01 contains COMPONENT batch B01. This BOM is sold.
Later, a Service order is created for BOM serial S01 and the Component B01 is replaced with batch nu...
Posting packing slip for non-stocked items from a load
Classic packing slip posting functionallity allows to include in the posting non-stocked product lines. This option is not available when you go to the Load and you post the packing slip directly from the load.
It should be possible to include those:
Under parameters
Allow Default production finished goods location to be non LP controlled
When you select a location that is not license plate controlled in the field "Default production finished goods location" in the warehouse master, you get an error message that says "Location must be License plate controlled".
However, if you select one that is LP controlled, and then d...
ASN outbound/inbound export/import in an intercompany scenario
It should be possible to use the ASN functionality in an intercompany scenario. Exporting the ASN file (outbound) from company A (selling company), and then imported in company B (purchasing company) as ASN inbound.
Currently it is not possible as the format of the files are different.
Assign over and under delivery on purchasing categories
It should be possible to configure over delivery and under delivery in purchasing categories.
Currently the workaround is to fill it manually in the purchase order lines, but this is very constraining when Customer uses workflow.
Inventory value report for only WIP contains a lot of zero quantity and amount lines
When the Inventory report is configured to only show WIP, and then execute for the current date, you can see a lot of lines with zero WIP quantity and amount lines that are not relevant.
1. Go to Cost Management > Inventory accounting policies setup > Inventory value Reports...
Warehouse labels to be printed in normal laser printers
There should be the option to select if you want to printer warehouse labels in ZPL printers or in normal laser printers.
With the current design, only ZPL files are generated.
It should be possible to run cost calculation for Co-products
A planning item contains 2 co-products. TCA is used. Items are standard cost. In order to estimate the cost , both co-products must have an activated cost.
Customer would like to run cost calculation in order to get the standard cost automatically created based on the purchase price + ...
Wrong unit taken for CW items for transfer receipt in \Classes\InventCostItemDim\updateModelAverage()
In \Classes\InventCostItemDim\updateModelAverage(), there is a line code where it's set, line 195: pdsCWReceiptScanQty = this.financialOpenQty(transferReceipt); This is wrong as it's refering to the Primary item unit and not of the secondary (CW) item unit. It should be: pdsCWReceiptScanQty = ...