HTML Editor Control Add-in
It would be nice if Business Central would provide a build-in HTML Editor Control Add-In, which could be used for Editing Rich Text like a detailed Item Description for a Online Shop or when Sending an Invoice via E-Mail with E-Mail Body to edited the body before sending. A few Open Source Edito...
Ability to add multiple table fields to an Page, Report Data Set, XMLport and Query
It would be nice if you would have the ability to select and add multiple table fields to a Page, Report Data Set, XMLport and Query like in C/SIDE with the Field Menu.
DE: Sending and Receiving Invoices via ZUGFeRD
It would be nice if Business Central would have native support for the German Standard for Sending and Receiving Invoices ZUGFeRD (
Modern Client Timeout Message should not placed over other messages
The Modern Client (Web Client) timeout message partially hides other messages previously displayed by the system. If you click on Refresh the page will be reloaded and the underlying message is gone. It would be nice if you can move that message or if this message would somewhere else e.g. on Top...
Document Reports: One DataSet per Document
This suggestion comes from Claus Lundstrøm and I just like to preserve his idea. Many issues with RDLC Reports could be improved or be solved, if there would be one DataSet per Document in Document based Reports like Quote, Order Confirmation, Shipment, Invoice, Credit Memo etc. My Details why:...
Improving Tooltips of Actions
It would be nice if actions would get the same tooltips as fields. Truncated names could displayed in the better tooltip.
Add Filter Pane on Lookup Pages
Please add the filter pane on lookup pages. E.g. on a Sales Quote if you use look up to select a Customer or Item you cannot filter every field on that List Page.
Reports Due for Reworking
Top Sales Document Reports that are due for reworking: - 117 Reminder - 204 Sales - Quote - 205 Order Confirmation - 206 Sales - Invoice - 207 Sales - Credit Memo - 208 Sales - Shipment - 780 Certificate of Supply - 6631 Return Order Confirmation Top Purchase Document Reports that are due for re...
Improve Business Central Developer Licenses Generation and Download Process
Since the Business Central Developer Licenses expire after 3 Months, it would be nice if obtaining a new developer license would be as fast as a customer licence.
Improve Rapid Start
Please Improve Rapid Start. If you have a lot Items in your database Rapid Start Imports takes forever. (HandleApiSetup in Codeunit 5470 Graph Collection Mgt - Item)