Unit of measure conversions per Product variant
Unit of measure conversions are set up per Variant in a product. When adding a purchase line or sales line, an error is shown saying "Product variant unit conversions are not supported for this process". This should be possible.
When the license plate is generated using bar code format, it is including "00" before the number that makes it a 20 digits number and not a 18 one. This is hard-coded in WHSLicensePlate table, method generateLicencePlateId(). Also mentioned in the following article: https://community.dynamics.com/ax/b/axvanyakashperuk/archive/2014/09/16/tutorial-generating-shipping-labels-using-the-gs1-sscc-18-barcode-format But according to Partner, this is wrong.
WMS App language mix in Android
If one turns to the Android system in English, some labels in English are displayed and some continue in German.
The language setting in the AX user does not matter.
For example there is English/German mix at logon screen and also when you click on Replenishment menu.
Inventory value report does not end for large amount of data
Issue 228207 Executing the "Inventory value’ report" in Level Transactions on a system with a very large amount of inventory transactions per items runs forever --------- Report should be re-designed to handle more amount of data. In the meantime, if it has a limitation it should show an...