Filter pane for Configuration Package Errors
In the configuration PAckage / Worksheet when you select the errors there is no filter pane (and no option to add). Many times when working with a customers data errors showing all errors for a table is a good way to communicate the issues to the customer for correction. Also we need to be able...
Print to Attachment
It would be great if we could print to an "Attachment" for example have an option on the Print Sales COnfirmation where it saves a copy of the printed document as an attachment on the Sales order that will follow the sales flow (to sales invoice, etc.). Another use would be to print a quote to an...
External Document No on posted sales pages
External Document number is not on the Posted Sales Shipment and Posted Sales Invoice page. Usually customers will call asking if an order has shipped or other order related information and they will provide their Purchase Order number (external document no). The customer service agent searche...
Over Receive for Purchase Orders
Customers have asked for years for the ability to over receive purchase orders based on an allowable tolerance. This used to be a fairly straight forward modification in on-premise C/AL but it very difficult with extensions and there really should be stock functionality for this. An over receiv...
Move item comments to a better menu location
The comment function on the item page / ribbon is under Navigate / Availability. This makes no sense at all and should be moved to a place like Navigate / Item or the Item ribbon item menu
Add missing Categories to the ideas site
Add the missing categories to this ideas site like Manufacturing, Warehousing, etc.
Failed Update Notifications with error descriptions
This was from a MS support ticket where we were having issues creating a Sandbox and also found out the Production Environment upgrade failed and was not updated. We need notification with as much information as possible what the error was that was causing the failure in the update as soon as po...
Show factbox for Lot Numbers by Bin on Bin Contents pages
The factbox for Lot Numbers by Bin (page 9126) is missing / hidden on the bin contents pages (7379, 7374, 7305) and the users cannot show it via personalization as that functionality does not exist. It is extremely useful when using lot numbers and bins.
View all errors - rapid start
Need to be able to see all errors with the error description vs one at a time and copy or send to excel. It is very inefficient for the user to have to see each error detail individually and then try to resolve. In on-premise we are able to remove the record filter when we view the error to se...
Customer Statement US
Report 10072 - Customer Statement was removed after version 13 for some reason and the alternate statement reports do not have the same functionality. Please add report 10072 back to Business Central & Business Central SaaS. It is used by many US customers.