Complex process for Retail targeting after data refresh in retail environment
When the data is refreshed to a sandbox environment, retail retargeting job fails if the customer is using RSSU. For the re targeting job to go through, one should remove all Retail channel data groups and keep only the default channel data group. The job will succeeded only when all distributio...
Show Case Category Description Instead of Name in Case Creation Screen
On the create Case window, the user can see only the Case Category Name ( limited to 10 characters) in the tree view. The name field is limited to 10 characters and it is very difficult for the users to find out which case to select based on the 10 character code.
Option to randomize gift card numbers
Now that we have an integrated eCommerce product, we need a native option to generate a random number sequence for gift cards so that the gift card numbers cant be easily guessed/brute-forced. With the current setup, there is a lot of scope for fraudulent transactions. An alphanumeric sequence wi...
Idea about Idea portal
This new way of showing Idea inside each category is not very user-friendly. The old one used to be good. Show all the ideas for a particular product in one page and categories can be provided as a facetted filter.
Option to limit the customer group display on POS
There should be some option to control which all customer groups are shown while creating customer on POS. Our customers have 10-20 groups, but only 1 or 2 are relevant to retail, This would avoid a lot of human errors.