Sales prepayment status doesn't change
When I create a sales order that requires a prepayment, I would post the prepayment invoice and the sales order status changes to "Pending Prepayment". However, the the prepayment invoice is paid, the sales order status is still "Pending Prepayment". It would be great if the status can be change...
Allow GL Currency Revaluation
Currently when you go to "Currencies" and go to "Adjust Exchange Rates", you can only run the revaluation for the Currency alone. Meaning revaluation is done for all GLs at the same currency exchange rate. What should happen is allow users to run revaluation by GL because GLs can be revalued at...
Allow voiding a payment that's posted in a currency that's different than the Local Currency
Currently when you try to void a payment that's booked in a currency that's different then the company's Local Currency, a user will get the error message that they cannot void the payment because it's associated with a Realized Gain/Loss Entry. To get around it, users need to book a Refund paym...
Ability to Default Dimensions
In the Dimensions page and you go to Navigate > Account Type Default Dim. when you set a value in the "Dimension Value Code", it doesn't actually default the Dimensions Value to the Table you've set. According to Microsoft, this is by design and "this functionality is to prevent posting from occ...
Job Journals posting using the Resource posting group
When posting a Job Journal for different Resources (People and Machine) the Job Journal posts based on the Job Posting Group. However, when there are Resources that are people and machines, they often go to different GLs (i.e. different Gen. Product Posting Groups) that is assigned to the Resou...