We're getting clients on GP moving to BC who are seeing the lack of GL Revaluation as an issue from their standard capability in GP
Category: Financial Management
Also, this is something that GP already does. Can we not leverage off the GP logic to BC?
Category: Financial Management
At month end, GLs are revalued based on the revaluation method. For instance, cash and current assets will be revalued using the month end rate. Other GLs may use a historical rate. It's standard accounting practice to revalue the GLs using different exchange rates at month end/year end.
Category: Financial Management
2 years later and we are still having clients request this. please try to add this.
Category: Financial Management
This fuctionality already seems to exist in D365 F&O:
It doesn't feel a big stretch to expand Business Central to do the same thing?
Category: Financial Management
This is a serious gap in this product. Business is becoming more global and more and more companies are dealing in multiple currencies. Paul's statement at the top sums it up - it needs to be there.
Category: Financial Management
The fact that D365 and NAV do not allow GL Accounts to be revalued is a major competitive weakness in the marketplace. Most other products have this functionality and I believe some of the European versions of NAV, for example the Swiss version, have this functionality but it has not been implemented in the NA version.
The main requirement here is to add the transaction currency to the General Ledger Entries table and then allow GL Accounts to be revalued at month end. We also need a flag on the Account Card to indicate whether that account should be revalued. Some accounts, for example fixed assets, should not be revalued although the accounting standards are changing all the time so we need the flexibility to either revalue or not revalues specific accounts.
The revaluation of the Additional Reporting Currency is not usefull since you can only revalue the ACF from the LCY or the LCY from the ACF, neither of whihc makes any sense from an accounting point of view. In reality both LCY and ACF should be revalued from the Transaction Amount which is not in the GL.
In general terms the balance sheet accounts should be revalued at the month end exchange rate and the income statement accounts should either be not revalued at all, assuming the correct exchange rates were in the system during the month, or they should be revalued at an average exchange rate for the month.
Category: Financial Management
Hi Ivan,
In Singapore, BC clients have many investments in many different currencies e.g. USD, JPY, SGD, MYR.
Likewise they also have many Accrued Revenue in multiple currencies. End of the month they would need to revalue those balances like Vendors/Customers.
The workaround solution (with some gaps) was to let them use Bank to record each investments, and accruals. However, the results of Adjust Exchange Rates would pass the exchange gain/loss to Realized Exchange Gain/Loss Accounts, that is incorrect. It should be posted to Unrealized Exchange gain/loss accounts.
I have supported Sage 300, SAP Business One - both solutions capture Foreign currency Amount, Currency Rate in Posted GL Entries (similar to BC Customer ledger entries). In GL it provides Revaluation function to revalue specific GL account and allow user to specify the intended Exchange gain / loss accounts.
These fit perfectly well for Investment and accrual scenarios above.
When clients were evaluating BC, this is the downside which holding them back.
Category: Financial Management
Some businesses report and post P&L G/L accounts at spot exchange rate (i.e. sales), but balance sheet G/L codes such as bank accounts and receivables should be updated on a regular basis to book any applicable forex gains/losses. So while I understand that the job will update all G/L values based on one exchange rate, in this instance there should be an option to isolate certain G/L codes to run this job and not overwrite historical conversions on others.
Category: Financial Management
Hi Kartina,
Can you please detail business process / situations where G/L accounts should be valuated at different currency exchange rates? Adjust Exchange Rates batch job allows you to adjust currency exchange rates for G/L account if you are using additional reporting currency. E.g. German company reporting to US headquarters according to specific exchange rate for EUR/USD.
Ivan Koletic
PM, Microsoft
Category: Financial Management
Business Central Team (administrator)
Thank you for your feedback. Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future. Sincerely, Business Central Team Microsoft