CodeCop rule for testing field length (TableRelation)
If a new field is created, having a table relation, the field datatype/length is set. If the related table definition is changed, e.g. increase of related (key) field length from code 10 to code 20, the fields having a table relation should be increased as well. Describe the solution you'd like:...
Improve overall translation / XLIFF experience
There are a lot of improvements to be made on the 'translation' experience to be on par with the translation experience in C/AL. These suggestions are not about external XLIFF editing tooling, but about the process inside VSCode. Here are some suggestions / feedback: - Moving around Labels (e.g...
Add totals in report 19 'VAT- VIES Declaration Tax Auth'
We would like to have the totals (over all countries) of the fields / columns TotalValueofItemSupplies, TotalValueofServiceSupplies, EU3PartyItemTradeAmt, EU3PartyServiceTradeAmt printed at the bottom of the report (Report 19 - VAT- VIES Declaration Tax Auth). This will ease verification of ...
Allow to progammaticaly set the 'RunPageMode' on PAGE.RUN / PageManagement
On an action that launches a page, the default 'RunPageMode' property is set to 'Edit', which allows you to immediately edit the record.
When coding the actions instead and calling the page via PAGE.RUN or the PageManagement generic functions, the page is opened by ...
Improve 'Tell Me' search results by including actions from active listparts (opened in 'Document Focus' mode)
I've a page with the action 'Copy' on page Level, and another 'Copy' action on subpage level. When using 'Tell Me', it includes the 'Copy' action for the current page, which is ok. When I decide to work on the data from the subpage (opened in Document Focus mode), I only
Provide 'Show More' support on factboxes to hide/show less important fields (Importance = Additional)
Factboxes are often used to show more related information of an entity. However, in some cases, factboxes might contain too many fields / fields that are not always relevant. To avoid having to add / delete the fields, one might decide to add the fields with 'Importance' = Additional, so they cou...
Provide better support for 'Multi-line' controls on list pages
If the 'multiline' property is used on controls on list pages, the height of each line / record in the list pages is increased to the max. height. This consumes a lot of valuable white space for records that don't have a value in the multiline control. Better would be to dynamically adapt the hei...
Allow CardPageId on Page Extensions for standard BC tables without card page.
We want to add a a Card Page for a standard List Page that has no Card Page assigned, but that's currently not possible. Being able to set the CardPageId property on a page extension would be usefull. See PS : Subscribing to 'GetConditionalCardPageID...
Standard Azure Blob Storage integration to save documents / attachments
Since the max. database size on Saas tenants is set by default to 80 Gb (unofficially it seems that 150 Gb is the actual limit), we were instructed to move away from storing documents / attachments as Blob files in the dabase. On several blogs, there are already some examples on how to integrate ...
Improve the 'Popout Window' experience + provide right-click support
The latest version of Business Central provides a new 'Popup Window' option. The current implementation is mainly focused on popout the 'current' page. We'd like to take this the next step, and popup out other pages instead. Therefore several improvements are needed: 1) Allow programmatic cont...